
Top questions asked by industry analysts about Siemens' investment in Polarion Software

By rizzos

Since the announcement of the $10 million investment in Polarion Software by Siemens Venture Capital, I’ve briefed 11 analysts from 8 different analyst firms, answering their questions about how it will impact our business. I know they are not the only ones interested in what comes next, so here are the most common questions from these briefings… and of course, our answers.

Siemens logoQ: “What are you going to do with this money?”
A: Improve our technology, increase our geographical presence, and consolidate infrastructure and support.

Q: “What is the key benefit of having Siemens aboard?”
A: Siemens is the “big brother” we’ve needed in order to consolidate our strategy in the mechatronics industries, and to provide us the ability to compete with larger companies on the same level.

Most of the analysts I talked to said they were expecting a move from Siemens in the ALM space. As proof of our vision and feeling about ALM-PLM convergence (we call it “PALM”), analysts confirmed that they’ve been receiving many inquiries from their customers about the announcement, as they are eager to understand how to align their ALM-PLM tool strategy with the market moves. Some of the analysts consider the Siemens investment in Polarion “breakthrough news” for the ALM market.

Michael Azoff, Principal Analyst for Software Infrastructure Solutions at Ovum, has been watching the ALM-PLM convergence trend for some time. He quickly reacted to the news of the Siemens Venture Capital investment. You might be interested to read his take on it, which you can do here: 


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